Catie Oates-Hill
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St Michael’s and All Angels' Outdoor Worship Area

Planning for our outdoor worship area began in the Spring of 2018 with discussion during Parish Council meetings. Starting in September 2018 Town Hall meetings gave our church family a chance to participate in planning use of our beautiful outdoor space. During the last year work began on three components inherent in the plan. Both the platform for our outdoor altar and the labyrinth were completed this month.

A meditation/prayer path combined with information on the history of our heritage cemetery will be the third component to be fully realized.

This Pentecost Sunday will mark the dedication of these first two areas and the morning service will be filmed there.

We hope that our access to the church grounds will become available to us before too long. The labyrinth can easily be walked following social distancing guidelines. Walking the paths is often seen as a gateway to the spiritual realm, offering symbolism of the unseen and existing as a representation of the path that is inside of us. We look forward to experiencing this simple form of pilgrimage.